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USS Cusk Reunions - 2003
July 31st to August 4th,
Cocoa Beach & Merritt Island, Florida
Reception, Cape Canaveral and
Kennedy Space Center Tours & Lunch at the Capt. Houston's Home
The crew of the Cusk from 1966 to
1969 gathered in Merritt Island, Florida for some great times together.
Click on any picture to see its full size.
Then click on the "Back" button to return to this page.
Swim Call at the
Orbital Processing Facility at Kennedy
Space Center
Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space
Space Station Processing Facility at
Kennedy Space Center
Lunch Pad 39B
Lunch at Sam & Dottie
Houston's Home in Cocoa Beach
Dinner at Carrabba's Italian
Cape Canaveral Tour
Swim Call (and Reception) at the
Roselands, Thursday, June 31, 2003

Swim Call
John Troutman and Lee
help Sam Houston out of the
water after the dock
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Dottie Houston helps Dave
Lawrence get
to safety after he falls off
of his tube
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Dottie Houston and Dave
head for the shore
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

A very wet Sam Houston
after he is rescued from the
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Jim Branske, John Troutman,
Krabill & Claudia Blaha
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Dottie & Sam Houston
(Before Swim Call)
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer |

Lee Krabill assumes the Chef
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Jim Branske, Dennis Shultz
Dave Lawrence
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Tom Roseland, Paul & Valerie
(Photo courtesy of Zeke
Zellmer) |

Orbital Processing
Facility (OPF) at Kennedy Space Center, Friday, August 1, 2003

Sunrise on the Beach
Jim Branske, Dave Duerr, Lee
and Bob Nelson meet for an
early morning
walk on Cocoa Beach
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

USS Cusk's first and last
Engineering Officers
John Troutman (last) & Zeke
Zellmer (last) meet
in the lobby of the Double
Tree Hotel
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Zeke Zellmer, Joni Krabill,
Duerr, Paul King & Bob
Nelson listen
to some information about
the Shuttle's
preparation for launch.
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Sam Houston, John Troutman &
Zeke Zellmer
just before the KSC tour
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Close up of the Shuttle's
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

John Troutman being shown
some of the
parts of the leading edge of
the Shuttle's
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Close up of Shuttle's tiles
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Underside of the Shuttle's
right wing
being worked on in the OPF
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Technician installing tiles
on the
underside of the Shuttle's
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

A technician explains one of
the tiles that
go on the Shuttle's
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Under the Shuttle's Nose
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Vehicle Assembly
Building (VAB) at Kennedy Space Center, Friday, August 1, 2003

After a visit with Bob
Kennedy, KSC
Director, the group pauses
for a picture
outside his office in the
Admin building
L to R standing - Paul & Val
King, Joni
& Lee Krabill, Dave Duerr,
Patrice Roseland
Bob Nelson, Tom Roseland,
Zeke Zellmer,
Jim Branske & Claudia Blaha
Seated L to R - Sam & Dottie
& John Troutman
(Photo courtesy of Courtney
Roseland) |

Both of the Solid Rocket
Boosters (SRBs)
can be seen in the
background, and some
spare SRB sections can be
seen in the
right foreground inside the
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Shuttle Main Engine
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Patrice Roseland, Dave Duerr
Craig Jacobson inside the
main area
of the VAB
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

SRB Nose Cones in the VAB
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Exterior of VAB
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Interior of VAB
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Pictures of Shuttle being
on well inside VAB
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Sign on outside of of VAB
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Space Station
Processing Facility (SSPF) at Kennedy Space Center, Friday, August 1, 2003

Craig Jacobson explaining
the Space Station
components in the Space
Station Processing
Facility (SSPF) at KSC
(Photo courtesy of Courtney
Roseland) |

More information about past
and future
payloads headed for the
Space Station
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Japan project being prepared
for Shuttle
Launch to the Space Station
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Inside the High Bay of the SSPF
where future Space Station
are being readied for flight
aboard the
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Inside the High Bay at the
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Under the Shuttle in the OPF
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Launch Pad 39B at
KSC, Friday, August 1, 2003

Launch Pad 39B at KSC
(Photo courtesy of Courtney
Roseland) |

View of the VAB from Launch
Pad 39B
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Japan project being prepared
for Shuttle
Launch to the Space Station
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Mobile Launch Platform (MLP)
the Flame Pit of Launch Pad
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Open launch pad gantry at
Pad 39B
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Saturn 5A Rocket Display
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Hydrogen storage tank near
Launch Pad
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Group photo at Launch Pad
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Close up of Saturn V Engines
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Astronaut launch pad
emergency escape
lines and landing area
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Lunch at Sam
& Dottie Houston's Home, Saturday, August 2, 2005

Jim Branske, Paul King,
Claudia Blaha
& John Troutman on Sam &
Houston's back dock
(Photo courtesy of Courtney
Roseland) |

Dennis Schultz & Zeke
Zellmer sharing a laugh
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Sam Houston & Dave Duerr
looking at some
Cusk memorabilia
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Dave Duerr telling one of
his stories to
Patrice Roseland & Bob
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Group picture in the
Houston's back yard
(Photo courtesy of Courtney
Roseland) |

John Troutman, Sam Houston &
Lee Krabill
looking at some old Cusk
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Greg King, John Troutman,
Bob Nelson,
Jim Branske, Zeke Zellmer &
Dave Duerr
in Sam Houston's back yard
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Lee Krabill, Zeke Zellmer,
Roseland, Bob Nelson &
Dennis Schultz
on Sam's back porch
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Dave Duerr & Bob Nelson
looking at
some Cusk picture books
(Photo courtesy of Courtney
Roseland) |

Dinner at Carrabba's, Friday, August 1, 2003

Craig Jacobson and his
family sit with
Zeke Zellmer & Bob Nelson
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

L to R - Val & Patrice
Roseland, Tom
Roseland, Jim Branske, John
Claudia Blaha, Dave Lawrence
Courtney Roseland
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill) |

Dave Duerr, Dennis Schultz &
Joni Krabill
(Photo courtesy of Lee
Krabill |

Canaveral Tour, U.S. Air Force Missiles and Space Museum, Monday, August 4, 2005

Lee Krabill, Dave Lawrence
Zeke Zellmer listen to some
of the early landing
capsules in the
Missiles & Space Museum on
Cape Canaveral Air Force
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Dottie Houston, Claudia
Blaha, Zeke
Zellmer, Joni Krabill, Lee
Val & Courtney Roseland
at the Chimpanzee astronaut display
the Museum
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Missiles on display at
and Missiles Museum grounds
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Launch complex control
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Launch Complex overview &
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Old launch gantry on museum
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Group photo at Launch
Complex 14 Memorial
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Cape Canaveral Lighthouse
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Lunch at the Sub Base Green
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

In the Green Room at the Sub
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

Sam Houston reading the sign
listing all
of the launches from Launch
Complex 14
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

John & Claudia
(Photo courtesy of Tom
Roseland) |

If you have any information, pictures,
history, or crewmember names/information from the Cusk in 1959 (or any year),
please contact the
Cusk Webmaster.